Zinc and ADHD

Zinc and ADHD

March 01, 2018

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As per a study published in Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, taking zinc supplements can alleviate the symptoms of ADHD or attention deficit–hyperactivity disorder in children. 

Researchers from Iran executed a controlled clinical trial to evaluate the benefits of prescribing zinc supplements alongside the more conventional methylphenidate treatment. 

The study involved 44 children who were diagnosed as suffering from ADHD; and none of these patients had taken any medication before the trail. 

For the six weeks, half the children were given zinc sulphate (55mg/day) in addition to the conventional treatment; while the other half were given a placebo. A child psychiatrist examined the children's improvements. 

The researchers found that children taking supplementary zinc sulphate on a daily basis showed significant improvements than those taking a placebo. 

Other Clinical Support for the use of Zinc in ADHD Therapy

Serum Zinc Levels and Hyperactivity

A 2005 study published in Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology by 9 researchers from the Ohio State University examined the relationship between serum levels of zinc and severity of ADHD symptoms.

48 children between the ages of 5 and 10 partook in the study. The zinc serum levels for these kids were determined and then the parents and teachers ratings of their ADHD symptoms were obtained. These parent and teacher ratings ranked the children for signs of hyperactivity and inattention.

The study results showed a strong correlation between serum zinc levels and the perceived extent of ADHD symptoms


Zinc and Information Processing in ADHD Children

A 2008 study published in Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry examined the potential effects of zinc on information processing in 28 boys diagnosed with ADHD.

The study participants were divided into two groups: those who have zinc deficiency and those who do not. 24 non-ADHD boys were used as controls. In both ADHD groups and the control group, brain activities in the regions responsible for information processing were measured using a technique called auditory oddball paradigm.

The results showed that the plasma zinc levels were lower in children in both ADHD groups than in children in the control group.

In addition, the control group showed better information processing than ADHD groups. However, the group of ADHD children without zinc deficiency showed better results than the ADHD children who also had zinc deficiency.

Benefits of Zinc 

Taking zinc supplements can help combat ADHD symptoms and other disorders. Some of the benefits are as follows: 

It provides protection against the oxidative damage of omega-3 fatty acids, which can be used as potent treatment options for ADHD. Thus, taking zinc supplements alongside omega-3 treatment can help optimize the benefits and cut down the negative effects. 

You may consider using Listol that contains both zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. It is an effective natural supplement for alleviating ADHD symptoms in adults and children.

Zinc is required to convert the inactive form of the vitamin B6 to the active pyridoxal phosphate form. Thus, zinc supplement with vitamin B6 can help in effectively alleviating ADHD symptoms. 

Zinc promotes the production of melatonin, a hormone which is known to play a vital role in maintaining the important neuro-chemical signaling agent called dopamine. 

Studies have proved that zinc might be more effective in treating the hyperactive/impulsive behavior in ADHD children, than the inattentive aspect of the disorder. 

Zinc supplements are known to increase the effectiveness of methylphenidate (such as Ritalin), used for treating ADHD and related disorders. 

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