7 Best Natural Vitamins for Memory and Focus

7 Best Natural Vitamins for Memory and Focus

February 28, 2018

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All the nutrients we eat provide us some aid for focus, memory, and energy. They all work together to help us grow and prosper. These are the top 7 we think are the best for memory and focus.

One thing you will notice about these nutrients, all of them have multiple purposes. That’s because the body is not a collection of isolate parts, but a whole system that relies on itself. We just can’t supercharge one area without depleting another, and that isn’t good for energy.

There are no vitamins that work instantly to give you more memory and focus. All of them build in your system and support optimal performance. Your body will use vitamins and minerals to support proper function and healing before allowing your brain to work at super speeds. So, if you are waiting to take your vitamins until just before the test, you won’t get what you want.


Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant that has been studied in the treatment for Alzheimers and memory loss. It protects the neural linings surrounding the nerves. Basically, it protects what protects the nerves. Adequate vitamin E allows the nerves to survive oxidative stress longer and more thoroughly intact. This means you can retain information longer and better...

B12 is responsible for producing new red blood cells, regulating nerve transmissions, and synthesizing DNA. It’s also used for several blood functions and is part of the energy cycle of metabolism...

Omega-3 fatty acids * increase brain size and protect the heart. Lesser known functions include increasing memory, increasing speed of neural transfer, and more efficient energy production. They can help repair damaged neuroconnections.

New research (within the past 10 years or so) shows that babies that have the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their diet are the ones that do best in school and have the least concentration problems.

Omega-3s accumulate in the brain during the first couple of years. As we age, the levels of omega-3s determines the rate and progress of neural degradation and loss of memory. In fact, several studies that are currently being conducted shows good signs that memory problems can and are being reversed with omega-3 therapy...

Folate * is one of the vitamins responsible for memory recall. In order to properly and efficiently retrieve stored information, we need this vitamin. 400 micrograms per day are usually adequate to maintain normal levels of folate in our systems...

B6 * increases serotonin in the brain. This is the primary feel good chemical and responsible for our lack of depression. When your serotonin levels are off, depression easily sets in. This is important for memory since adequate levels of serotonin influence whether or not a memory moves from short-term to long-term memory...

Magnesium * is used in over 300 processes in the human body. It is one of the key regulators of metabolism and vital to bone and blood health. Unfortunately, as much as 90% of the US population is deficient in this mineral. Nearly 99.9% of diagnosed depression sufferers are diagnosed with deficiency...

Vitamin C can help children with ADHD symptoms focus better and concentrate longer. But, it’s not a direct action. Vitamin C * is part of the process for producing the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. Norepinephrine controls attention and response actions...

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